Incorporate Swiss Family Foundation

Let the experts incorporate your Swiss family foudation. Before we set up a Swiss family foundation we will reach out to the client in order to ensure the best service possible. To start to create a Swiss family foundation please fill out the below form.

Steps to set up Swiss family foundations

Define the Purpose and Goals

At the core of any family foundation is its purpose and goals. Take the time to articulate the values and objectives that will guide your foundation's activities. Consider the social or charitable causes you're passionate about and aim to address through your foundation. Whether it's supporting education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or any other cause, clarity on your purpose will drive your foundation's mission forward.

Choose Entity Type

In Switzerland, you have the option to establish either a Stiftung/Foundation or a Verein/Association. Each structure has its own set of benefits and legal considerations. For family foundations focused on long-term objectives and governance, a Stiftung/Foundation is often preferred. Evaluate the differences between the two types and choose the one that aligns best with your foundation's goals and vision.

Draft Foundation Bylaws

Foundation bylaws serve as the governing document that outlines the foundation's structure, decision-making processes, and operational procedures. Work with legal professionals experienced in Swiss foundation law to draft comprehensive bylaws that address key aspects such as the composition of the foundation board, grant-making policies, financial management, and succession planning. Clear and well-defined bylaws will provide a solid framework for the effective operation of your family foundation.

Choose Domicile and Register

Choosing the domicile (registered office) of your Swiss family foundation is a critical decision that can have legal and tax implications. Different cantons in Switzerland offer varying regulatory environments and tax regimes. Consider factors such as tax treatment, administrative requirements, and proximity to key stakeholders when selecting the domicile. Once chosen, register your foundation with the commercial register office (Handelsregisteramt) in the selected canton, ensuring compliance with Swiss legal requirements.

Appoint Foundation Board

The foundation board plays a central role in overseeing the activities and governance of the family foundation. Assemble a board composed of individuals who bring diverse skills, experience, and perspectives to the table. This may include family members, external experts, or representatives from partner organizations. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of board members in the foundation's bylaws and ensure that they are committed to advancing the foundation's mission.